Both were absolutely professional and efficient from that point. Sam turned to Addy and said he was very pleased to meet him, that he had seen his name on many Form Cs.   Mr. Addy explained that he turned over hundreds of vehicles in a year , and that in fact he had come to DVLA many times.  Sam asked him what the ‘S’ for his given name stood for (Solomon) and asked Mr. Addy to please put his name in full on all the forms in future so he knew who he was dealing with. “Obviously you are a man of some status”.  Sam explained that he wanted to execute both transactions simultaneously, from EPA to Addy and from Addy to me, and to do that he needed not only the Form Cs, but also a letter from Addy to DVLA saying had sold the vehicle to me and requesting the transfer of ownership.    It was at this point that we learned that the signed Form C Gomez had given me was forged, Addy simply said, hey, that is not my signature, where did you get that? No problem, says Sam, we can do another now.  Then Addy went off and said he would be back in five minutes with the letterSam needed to formalize the transfer to me.
At that point Sam said he needed to see the vehicle. I had not brought the Defender with me because I was reluctant to show it in the now quite impressive restored condition to anyone having some official role in the transfer unless I absolutely had to lest they see some advantage in slowing the sale. In this instance I had anticipated the possibility of being asked to present it and Laura was on standby to bring it and she had it on the DVLA lot in 10 minutes.  Sam went out himself, in the rain, to confirm the chassis number located on the brake servo under the bonnet.  By that time Addy had brought the letter that he must have had typed under a tree in the rain somewhere, signed two Form Cs and left.  We still did not have an EPA signature on the Form C transferring ownership from EPA to Mr. Addy, so I quickly volunteered to get the requisite signature because I had some contacts there through my work, and because by this point I was so relieved that Solomon Addy was a real person with a sense of responsibility and a degree of interpersonal skills. It was my pleasure to go to EPA to do that part and save him the trouble.  I could now see the light at the end of that long tunnel and would not have to throw myself from the rocks in the ocean off sewage hill.