This is a very delayed post, sent almost three weeks after we returned to Accra and concluded our overland trip.
Here is a summary of our overland trip in a 17 year old Land Rover Defender, quantitatively speaking:
Countries visited 4
Kilometres driven  5,500
Km on unpaved roads, ranging from reasonably good laterite to downright poor donkey track: About 1,000
Oil consumed ½ litre
Breakdowns:Â 0
Number of times stuck:Â 0
Maintenance stops 3
Flat tires:Â 1
Nights: 30
Nights camped in organized establishments 17
Nights bush camping 4
Number of campsites 16
Nights in hotels:Â 9
Number of hotels 5
Per night Cost of Camping $10
Per night cost of hotels $80
Most expensive night:Â $110
Least expensive night:Â $0
Days of rain:Â 3
Restaurant meals: 20
Camp/Picnic Meals 70
Border crossings: 6
Currencies: Â 2
Blog posts published 25 (including this one)
Guides Hired:Â 11
And this is where we went: