The eighteen months of our Land Rover restoration project brought us into contact with many people who in their own…
Tag Archives: Wheatcroft
After leaving Bolgatanga our drive down through northern Ghana was a return to the somewhat familiar.  We arrived in Tamale,…
Painted Houses of Burkina and Ghana
Our last night in Burkina was spent bush camping near a National Park called Ranch Nazinga, a popular site for…
Mud Mosque of Bobo-Diaoulasso
After Ougadougou we headed toward western Burkina. Â We had an overnight bush stop near Boromo, where we were treated…
Itinerary Reality Check
At time of departure from Accra we had planned to visit four countries: Togo, Benin, Burkina Faso and Mali, or…
West Africa Wander By the Numbers
This is a very delayed post, sent almost three weeks after we returned to Accra and concluded our overland…
Bolgatanga Baskets
As we made our way toward Tamale from Sirigu the main stop of interest was Bolgatana, capital of Ghana’s Upper…
Sindou Peaks of Western Burkina
On our drive west from Bobo- Dialaisso to Banfora we stopped to take a picture of a particularly green valley…
Art and Music in Burkina Faso
What a rich culture. The music wafts through the car windows. The crafts range from simple carving to works of…
Land Rover Laundry Day
We passed into Burkina Faso from Benin on a Wednesday afternoon. Burkina is a land-locked country in the Sahel…